Sunday, September 7, 2008

Growing Pains: Get a Selling Edge

This week's "Growing Pains" tip comes from Printroom, a digital services website for professional photographers that prints photos and stores online photo albums.

To get a selling edge, Printroom suggests offering different packages and promotions for your clients to make their shopping experience more personalized and rewarding. Use these strategies from Printroom to drive more business to your site:

1) Offer promotions or volume discounts such as "Get a 20% discount when purchasing $100 or more".

2) Bundle different print sizes and/or gifts into packages. Combine up to 6 different print sizes/products and make available up to 20 different packages.

3) Offer free print redemption to customers or pre-sell photos at an event for online redemption.

Another technique that worked for me during my last batch of senior portraits was offering one free 8x10 photo to Gloria's sister, Jessica to thank her for serving as my assistant during the shoot. Jessica held reflectors for me and was instrumental in producing real smiles and laughter from Gloria, who was somewhat camera shy when we started. During the shoot, I took photos of the sisters together and gave Jessica the above image.

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