Here are highlights from Natalie's article. Visit the DPS for more informational articles.
10 Reasons to Set Up a Photoblog
Here are 10 reasons you may want to consider getting a photo blog of your own, particularly if you really are serious about becoming a notable photographer and/or making the jump to the status of professional.
1. It’ll Turn Up the Heat
2. Track Your Progress
3. Feedback
4. Marketing
5. Publicity
6. Relationship
7. Announcements (Pay special attention to this one. I think this is a great idea! Thanks Natalie, and I look forward to trying this one out)
"I commonly get people asking me how I built my portfolio so quickly. Well, here you go: I announced promotions (and hosted give aways) on my blog. When I noticed that I needed to do more head shots to plump up that aspect of my portfolio, for example, I did a post on my blog offering one lucky winner a free head shot sitting. Then I offered discounted sittings to 3 other readers ($30 for a half hour down from $100). I quickly had filled the discounted slots and booked a handful of other clients at full price. It was astonishing. It all happened within the space of a couple of HOURS. Lets say you’re not really prepared enough to be charging but are desperate for experience. In the VERY beginning, when I had JUST bought my first DSLR, I spread the word that I was looking to gain experience and would be happy to photograph families for their Christmas cards for free. I was RIDICULOUSLY BUSY for about a month before Christmas that year. It was a fantastic way to get some experience under my belt in a relatively short amount of time. I know it seems crazy to give away so much time for free, but I’ll tell you what, I was so passionate, so desperate to learn about photography, I probably would have paid THEM to LET me take their pictures. Actually getting out and SHOOTING is FAR more effective in my opinion than any class you could take. EVER."
8. Networking
9. Testimonials
10. It’s Plain ol’ Fun
I totally agree about giving away free stuff to build up your clients. My mother is going to those she knows and letting them know about me. I just started this month to get the side business going. I need to add my own post to let others know. I was also thinking of adding it in the local paper. Looking forward to some upcoming sessions. Thanks for a great blog.
Check me out at http://info.reflectionsbythehill.blog.
Thanks for stopping by Calvin! I will take a look at your blog; maybe we could do some cross promotional things. Let me know how things are going with your side business. I can use all the help and advice I can get!
I enjoy reading your blog daily for ideas and inspiration. I'm trying to get myself back into photography after a long departure from my lost hobby. I read the photoblog article for ideas to get myself started on my own photoblog. Allthe blogging technical extras are completely new to me (I'm no computer expert haha). When I get my photoblog from blogger up and rolling, I'll leave the address. It would be great to hear some suggestions.
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