I've known about this since Monday, and it was nearly killing me to keep it a secret until today....three of my photos were PUBLISHED with one of my Denver Post articles, and one was selected as lead photo of the Room Section Front Cover!
Friday, before I went on vacation in celebration of my first year of photography, I had to interview luxury kitchen designer Bill Ohs in his mountain cabin retreat in Boulder County. My editor told me if I took some good portraits of Bill, they might be selected to run with my article in today's issue. I took my trusty wide angle 16-35 mm with me since I also wanted to get some shots of the interior design of Bill's cabin. Three of my shots, including the one above, were chosen.
I asked why this wide angle shot of Bill relaxing in his living room was chosen over more traditional head and portrait shots. It was explained that since the "My House" series of articles profile a subject based on how they chose to live in their home, the above shot was the best "journalistic" display of how Bill interacts with his personal space. I have to admit, it took a while for that explanation to sink in. I was just trying to get Bill and his living room to all fit inside the same frame. ;)
Being slow on the draw is proof of why it's going to take many more years of experience before I can be an affective, storytelling photojournalist. Until then, I'll just stick with the simple concepts that I can follow.....hey, I was PUBLISHED!
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